Calmlean™ – Online Store

Lose 1 pound of fat every 7 days without changing your diet and lifestyle – the PrineGenix CalmLean way! Yes, it’s that simple.
calmleanPrimeGENIX’s natural weight-loss supplement, CalmLean, is a thermogenic fat-burning formula that helps you rid those extra pounds without exhausting yourself.

Free of stimulants, caffeine, and synthetic ingredients, CalmLean is like no other; here’s what its science-backed formula does:

  • Burns those fats into energy.
  • Quick, safe, and effortless weight loss.
  • Boosts your energy levels like never before.
  • It fuels your metabolism and suppresses your appetite.
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight and build more muscle mass.

Order now from CalmLean’s official website and get your dream weight and physique delivered in a bottle!

Why Choose PrimeGENIX CalmLean?

Before you think of getting any basic weight supplement, consider how CalmLean performs better than most others in the market.

  • 100% Natural Ingredients

Synthetic ingredients may pose health risks and are not absorbed well by the body. However, PrimeGenix CalmLean is formulated with only natural ingredients. This means that your body will absorb the nutrients better, meaning better and quicker results.

Also, ingredients in CalmLean have many patents from around the World. It have 8 patents from the Canada, USA, Australia and Japan. These patents confirm that PrimeGenix CalmLean contains weight loss compounds shown to help lose weight, reduce body fat and build lean muscle.

ingredient patents

So, you can be confident that your supplement is safe and effective, with nutrients directly sourced from nature.

  • 100% Stimulant-free

Many diet supplements contain stimulants that unnaturally boost athletic performance, which does more harm than good to your body. Side effects include increased blood pressure and heart rate, dizziness, anxiety, nausea, and even death.

CalmLean is free of such stimulants and will boost your overall performance and fat-burning process without taking a toll on your body.

  • 100% Caffeine-free

Caffeine is one of the most used ingredients that stimulate and skyrocket your energy and physical activity. However, it has a terrible setback of causing burnout; you’ll most likely feel groggy in the mornings.

CalmLean contains no caffeine but uses natural ingredients to increase energy levels and physical performance. You won’t feel your energy draining in the long run as you’d do with caffeine.

calmlean formula


  • Clinically Proven And Safe Ingredients

Many diet supplements today contain ingredients that have little or no clinical study. Such products are often ineffective or give unpleasant side effects that may even escalate to a bigger health issue.

Here’s the good news: All ingredients used in CalmLean have been tried and tested to ensure that it is safe and free of harm. It is scientifically formulated to help those struggling with excess fats and body weight.

  • Thermogenic Ingredients With Enhanced Bioavailability

CalmLean contains thermogenic ingredients that increase fat burning, suppress appetite, and boosts metabolism. In addition, it is also enhanced with BioPerine to heighten bioavailability.

  • Recommended By Doctors

calmlean doctor thorUpon reviewing CalmLean’s formula, doctors have recommended the supplement as a safe and easy weight-loss product. Now, not many weight-loss supplements have the privilege of being considered approvable by medical professionals. And you’re lucky to have found one!

Dr. Kaleb Redden, A.K.A. “Doc Thor” a sports physician with decades of experience helping pro athletes and bodybuilders get in crazy good shape. Now Dr. Redden is a team doctor for PrimeGENIX!

Dr. Kaleb knows how burning fat to achieve a jaw-dropping physique.  That’s why after reviewing the research behind PrineGenix CalmLean, Dr. Redden enthusiastically recommends this formula as a fast, safe and easy way to lose weight.

  • Risk-free Order And 100% Money-back Guarantee

CalmLean’s manufacturer, PrimeGENIX, prioritizes your satisfaction before anything else. This is why they have a bold money-back guarantee so you can test the product and be refunded if it doesn’t work for you.

To get the refund, you only have to return the used/unused product with its original packaging within 67 days of receiving it. This also proves how confident they are in their supplement.

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CalmLean Ingredients

CalmLean uses all-natural ingredients backed by science, and they’ve been tested on humans to study their effects on weight loss.


CalmLean’s star ingredient is the patented formula that won Nutracon’s Best Product Award in 2001.

forsleanThe compound is a Forskolin blend derived from the roots of the subtropical mint: Coleus forskohlii. Forskolin is part of ancient Chinese medicine and treats health issues such as high blood pressure, Asthma, migraine, and obesity.

Because of its positive effect in treating obesity, it is widely used in weight-loss supplements. Its fat-burning mechanism functions even while you sleep, so supplements with this compound have increased effectiveness and quicker results.

This compound helps maintain lean body mass, improves body mass index (BMI), and reduces fat percentage.

Capsicum Annuum

Capsicum AnnuumCapsicum annuum is a primary calorie-burning ingredient with high amounts of water and fiber. It significantly boosts metabolism by 4% and helps to burn fat while suppressing your appetite.

It also improves muscle strength, blood circulation, and bone health. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties alleviate pain and inflammation.

Research indicates that capsicum annuum helps shrink the belly and overall body fat and maintains a lean physique to prevent fats from resurfacing. It also increases metabolism and regulates appetite, keeping you satiated but healthy.

Chromium Polynicotinate

Chromium PolynicotinateAthletes and bodybuilders swear by this ingredient as it significantly helps them lose weight and build muscle mass.

This nutrient checks your blood sugar level and minimizes and prevents insulin resistance. Stable blood sugar levels ensure your body can receive the maximum nutrients from your food and regulate your appetite by reducing needless cravings.

It boosts energy levels, increases muscle mass by burning fat, and stimulates rapid muscle development.

Its fat-burning process comprises compensating the lost fat with muscle. Besides, it is also used in treating inflammation and lowering blood cholesterol levels.


BioPerineBioPerine is considered a bioavailability enhancer and helps supplements work more effectively quickly. It is a 100% natural and safe compound and increases bioavailability by 30%.

This ingredient does not directly affect your weight but helps your body absorb the other ingredients better. As a result, it accelerates the fat-burning process by acting as a catalyst.

How It Works

The ingredients in CalmLean stimulate thermogenesis, meaning they can raise your body temperature while increasing metabolism. During this process, the excess fats in your body melt and convert to energy, removing all signs of physical weakness.

One box of CalmLean contains 60 capsules, which lasts for a month since you take two capsules daily. The supplements get to work once you’ve ingested them, and you can instantly feel the difference in energy levels.

And the best part? Check your weight on the scale after 7 days, and you’ll be impressed by the numbers!

how calmleam work

Replace Stimulant Supplements With CalmLean

Have you ever tried weight-loss supplements that instantly crank up your body functions and make you feel like a ball of fire? Well, those are stimulants working in your system. And they cause some not-so-pleasant side effects, including:


  • Insomnia
  • Heart palpitations
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Restlessness and anxiety
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Withdrawal symptoms (with long-term use)


In the worst cases, some supplements can cause early death. And they contain dinitrophenol (DNP). But DNP isn’t the only risk; there are many other supplements you need to avoid:

  • Clenbuterol

The FDA does not approve this drug for human use as it stimulates muscle growth by causing harmful side effects. People noticed high blood pressure and renal failure with this drug. Moreover, it adversely affected sleep patterns and caused cardiovascular problems such as heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat.

  • DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine)

This is an illegal amphetamine derivative that is often marketed in athletic and weight-loss products. It works quicker and lasts longer than caffeine but has many drawbacks. Its side effects include high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems like breathlessness, chest pain, and heart attacks.

  • Ephedra

This stimulant was banned by the FDA in 2004 but is still sold as an ingredient in dietary supplements under different names. Although it was a trending item to boost athletic performance and improve endurance, it was banned because of some major safety risks. Its toxicity is linked with seizures, strokes, heart attacks, and sudden deaths.

  • Fenfluramine

Once popular as a strong appetite suppressant, Fenfluramine was quickly banned from the markets because of its adverse toxicity. People who overdosed on the drug were subject to respiratory failure, tremors, seizures, anxiety, coma, and many more. The main problem was Fenfluramine’s habit-forming nature, which made consumers quickly addicted to the drug.

  • Sibutramine

This is another stimulant that was withdrawn from the markets after clinical research pointed to its association with heart attacks and strokes. This condition was noticed even in individuals with no pre-existing cardiovascular issues. They are also sold under the names Meridia and Reductil, so you must check the labels for any such ingredients.

As you’ve read, stimulants’ side effects overpower their benefits. It’s best to stick to scientifically approved and natural ingredients so your body doesn’t have to suffer for getting a revamp.


PrimeGENIX’s CalmLean supplement! With these 100% naturals, safe ingredients, you can safely achieve your dream physique!

calmclean pills


Calmlean Benefits

  • Lose Weight Naturally

CalmLean helps improve your metabolism and burns those excess fats in the most natural way to give you the physique you desire. Because it is free of stimulants, you won’t experience irregularities in your metabolism.

Moreover, its scientifically patented ingredients also ensure that the fat-burning process doesn’t halt even while you sleep.

  • Convert Excess Fat To Energy

The supplement provides superior energy levels to enable better physical performance. And how and from where do you get this energy? Ingredients in the supplement convert the fat to energy and block fat formation, so you never return to that same old physique again.

Moreover, it minimizes fatigue, so you feel energized to engage in physical activities throughout the day.

  • Minimize Craving

The trick to effectively lose weight is to reduce unnecessary snacking intake. Thankfully, CalmLean is formulated to keep you satiated, so you don’t have to resist eating your favorite snacks. Once you’ve eaten your daily share of food, your body will naturally reject cravings, especially fatty foods.

When And How To Use CalmLean?

Do you need CalmLean, or do you just need to hit the gym? These are essential questions you need to ask before investing in a dietary supplement.

CalmLean is suitable for those struggling with obesity and excess fats or those with lean bodies but no muscle mass. It’ll restore your self-esteem and confidence, and you’ll appreciate your physical attributes better.

Another question that most people have about consuming dietary supplements is how to use them. You don’t have to fret about this because CalmLean does not demand any special diet or lifestyle changes. You only have to take two capsules with water and watch the extra pounds vanish with time.

primegenix calmlean

Caution: Do Not Consume CalmLean With Caffeine

There’s a reason PrimeGENIX doesn’t include caffeine as an ingredient; it’s because caffeine gives an unnatural energy boost.

Because of its energizing effect, many people choose caffeine as a go-to solution when they feel groggy. But caffeine overdose kills more people than you think. And it’s no joke; in the year 2018 alone, researchers were able to track down 92 cases!

Imagine what’d happen if you chugged down a caffeine drink with the supplement. It will interact with the ingredients and may cause potential health issues. So, it’s best to avoid having caffeine with CalmLean if you want the supplement to work at its best.

Where To Buy Calmlean?

The best place to buy PrimeGenix Calmlean is the Official website. Only here you will receive 100% original product, a 67-day money-back guarantee, the best Calmlean price, and free shipping for bulk orders!

Can I Buy PrimeGENIX Calmlean on Amazon, eBay, Ali, etc.?

Yes, you can, but we do not recommend buying Calmlean on Amazon, eBay, etc. Here you can receive the fake product or pills with an expired guarantee. So, better use the Official PrimeGENIX Calmlean website.

Does Calmlean Sell in CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, GNC, or Stores Near Me?

calmlean shop nowUsually, you can buy all PrimeGenix products, including Calmlean, in large stores like Walmart, CVS, GNC, Walgreens, or even some stores near you. But PrimeGENIX products are so popular that they are not always available in large stores. Also, the price there is a little higher and no discounts for bulk orders.

How To Buy PrimeGENIX Calmlean in the UK, Canada, Australia, and Africa?

No matter where you are now, you can buy Calmlean on the Official website online. We ship it to Canada, the UK, Australia, Africa, Japan, and other countries.


When Can I Expect Results?

You will notice the numbers go down on your scale even from the first week, as the supplement is formulated to help you lose 1 pound or more in just 7 days. And you can notice visible changes in your physique within 4 to 8 weeks.

How Many Bottles Do I Need To Lose 10 Pounds?

Each bottle of CalmLean can help you lose around 4.5 pounds, so 3 bottles should be enough to lose 10 pounds of fat.

Does CalmLean Have Any Side Effects?

CalmLean doesn’t have any side effects. However, it is best to consult your doctor if you have any health issues.

What Are The Directions For Consuming CalmLean?

Take two capsules of CalmLean with water once daily. The manufacturer doesn’t give a specific time to take the dose, but it works best if you consume it before noon.

Will I Get A Refund If The Supplement Doesn’t Work For Me?

The manufacturer offers a 67-day money-back guarantee, so you can apply for a refund within this period. However, the refund does not include shipping charges.

What Is The Best Value Package For CalmLean?

The 6-bottle package has the best order value, saving you more than $90.

How Can I Accelerate The Results?

Eating a healthy diet and bringing some physical movement into your lifestyle will ensure better and quicker results.

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